April 24, 2020
MLM business during Corona

How to Grow MLM Business during COVID-19 ?

When social distancing and isolation becomes a new norm. When electronic communication took over face-to-face interactions. When staying home become the lifeline for survival. So what is the positive thing that comes to mind? Home-based work. Yes, a life saviour for many in Lockdown.

By this article, you learn things that’ll help to harness the benefits of Work From Home. MLM web traffic dramatically increases during COVID-19 when others are ‘biting the dust’. As we all know this is spreading exponentially, it has downtrodden the economy too. Many entrepreneurs or marketers are searching for a different source of income during this lockdown makes —network marketing– grabbing eyeballs of investors.

A tight slap for global industries based on door-to-door delivery and distribution of products & services. But if there is one industry which may still thrive i.e. NETWORK MARKETING. Also called multi-level marketing MLM. Facts are there to realize and assess the situation accordingly. Then you can rose to the benefits of network marketing software , an asset for companies waiting over the fence. Yes ! Although COVID-19 has negatively impacted the Indian economy, you’ll be able to see that MLM web traffic increased during COVID-19. A morale booster for digital investors. So let’s talk about the positive effects on web traffic during this lockdown phase. Most people are looking for home-based marketing solutions as unemployment raised in big nos. For the betterment of Google rankings SEO, SEM, SMM are in internet marketing. The demand for MLM business became an overnight sensation. It was obvious that people would search for alternative/ passive income. Analyzing Google search pattern meet key parameters. So, there can’t be a better time for developing MLM software companies as the entire IT industry is relishing the WFH.

Corona spread may have dampened their spirits to some extent but a cliche” Every dark cloud has silver linings”. Somehow connectivity between people increased. Interaction with blood relations is always there. But how about breaking the ice. Even introverts seem to be active holding stimulating talks. Sharing personal stories and casual chit-chats on social media is the new mode of interaction. Finding a business ‘aisle’ during conversation is an art. Pitching MLM could be that stepping stone in that direction. The success of any firm is all about how sales person are doing ?Those who are existing in the business must embrace this idea Not only it’ll blossom relations between you and other, but also lay a business channel for marketing. But again, you should have the zeal & enthusiasm to cover miles and not distracted by obstacles.

Also, a great chance to schedule a virtual meet up. All of a sudden you learn a revolutionary product/thing in the name of MLM and how you stand to get rich by selling. You can throw in jargons like passive income and downlines, you suddenly realize, this a dead rubber in Lockdown. Your mind puzzles with many questions. The cloud of negativity becomes a stumbling block. Is this practice legit or is a scam/ lottery or something? Then before you realize this don’t be judgemental and’ hold your horses’. Who knows you might be missing a golden opportunity ?
Perhaps a blessing in disguise in LOCKDOWN which may prove you a millionaire.

It is also important to understand MLM so that your dedicated efforts don’t go in vain. MLM, a marketing model that harnesses the benefits of network marketing.

Why MLM differs from Traditional Marketing?

Manufacturing is followed by distribution as the product has to go through the distributor, wholesaler and finally the retailer before it reaches customer’s hands. MLM company shorten the supply chain by directly selling to consumers. Speaking about cost savings, find out the best rate using home loan comparison and personal loan comparison tool.

Traditional Marketing

Manufacturer—– Distributor——– Wholesaler—— Retailer——Consumer

Multi- Level Marketing

Manufacturers—— Distributor ———— Consumer

Call it the ‘Achille heels’ of marketing companies are to rely on various media channels. For the distribution of goods after manufacturing, the product goes through the distributor, wholesaler and finally the retailer before reaching consumer hands. A Board MLM Software Development Company shortens the supply chain by directly selling to consumers.
Talking about Asian countries, China & India are superpowers of Direct Selling. In this country, there is a legal difference between Direct Selling and MLM. Especially in China, business acumen rose from ‘rags to riches’ which justifies the aura of direct selling. In 2005, a law t enacted in China , called Regulation of Direct Sales and Regulation on prohibition Chunxiao stands of (MLM) Making it clear that only direct sales is permitted in mainland. But not MlM !It means person-to person sales than business-to-person. Health supplements make big in the market and currently accounts for a staggering 47.3 % in China.

In India too, this trend is not new but still to grab the attention of masses (common people) which make it a tailor-made for industry. Nevertheless, in this lockdown phase when the home is the new office as conveyed by PM Modi. Informal sector succumbed to COVID Lockdown. Buying and selling are only meant for essential commodities like staple, groceries, fruits & veggies. E-commerce appears in bad shape as nothing is being dispatched since completed lockdown in hotspot zones. Security is beefed up so that there is no trespass No delivery means no placement of orders. Companies dealing with MLM software find a great chance to understand business loopholes . Developing robust software may get you the best chance to push business in the right direction. This makes MLM a huge asset to the software development business.

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