MLM operates on a business model which sells its goods or services through reference marketing, network marketing and direct sale. It is one of the oldest and popular ways to market multi-level goods. You need to create a big network of people to assist you in marketing your goods. The bigger it gets, the more people join and then you need the best MLM software to run the business.
There is an immense network marketing industry and the strongest sales-driven business model is internationally recognized. Why not, then? Direct sales have almost doubled in India alone since 2011, according to the ASSOCHAM report that can be replicated for your business by leveraging the best MLM software.
It achieved INR12,620 crores in 2016 and will only increase by approximately 4.8 percent to INR15,930 crores by 2021 at a yearly compound growth rate (CAGR). There is no deterioration in the corporate model of multi-level marketing. The future looks bright instead. This article would illustrate MLM numbers, which expect MLM development in 2020.
However, the most commonly held hypothesis is that Avon began to be founded in the USA in the year 1886. The brand is notoriously originated. By 1990, 25 percent had used the MLM business model of the Direct Sale Association (DSA). In 1999, it rose to 77.3%, and by 2009 94.2% of DSA members used MLM. (The source) (the source)
Initially, the biggest MLM-based companies were all one-tier marketing businesses, including Electrolux, Tupperware, Kirby and Avon. After, the multi-level marketing business model was introduced and MLM leveraged technology in the form of best MLM software or the top network marketing software.
Let’s quickly look at the growth of MLM before we review the numbers so that we get a better view of what network marketing has for us
The world’s largest MLM economies are the United States, China and Korea. With the US at 20%, China was 19%, and Korea was at 9%, the largest sales. The role of India in the MLM industry rose from 22th to 20th in 2015-2016. In the 2015–16 year, direct sales hit a new global high with retail sales of over $183 billion.
80% of the countries in the world entered the MLM industry backed by network marketing software with this massive figure. Every participant’s global average income is approx. $1,700 per person per year or approximately INR10,000 per month, while it’s said to be approximately $300 per year in India, i.e. INR20,000.
Sales of $35 billion in 2017 reflected multi-level marketing (MLM). It is clear to see that these businesses cater to those wanting a side rush or a way to reintegrate their workers. They give the opportunity to own their own company and promise profits that many people find difficult to obtain.
118.4 million individual representatives produced worldwide revenues, a rise of 1,6 percent compared to 2017. It shows a salesforce growth of 4.2% annually over the 2015-2018 period at a three-year compound pace. Of all participants, 74% are women, while the remaining 26% are males. Over the last year, there have been more men and women joining the marketing network.
Innumerable female entrepreneurs around the world have been inspired. Things alter, though. Statistics suggest that 50,000 people in India have been influenced positively by MLM. The loan goes to various government schemes due to India’s rise in referral marketing. Make in India, Ability India, Wireless India are among those schemes.
Advanced economies have a 57.3% share of the world’s retail consumer revenues across the continents, and today’s developing markets have gradually risen to 42.7% – an amazing 10.8% since the previous nine years. In the year-over-year period, revenue in developing markets rose by almost 10% (9.7%) by USD 82.3 billion.
For the period 2015-2018, the three-year average compound growth rate is 9.6%. Besides that, the economic and social climate of the MLM sector has been quite disturbing. The multi-level marketing business model explicitly shows MLM figures rising exponentially. The industry is still seeing major technical strides and due to this, network marketing software has been developed.
It is meant to automate and streamline the whole phase of direct sales and marketing using. This best MLM software MLM or network marketing companies are explicitly developed. It provides a variety of features such as stock administration, lead generation, sales, customer service and promotion.
The MLM industry backed by network marketing software is obvious in the coming years to be incredibly competitive and all you have to do is use your multi-channel marketing effectively in your business. And not only abroad, but also in India. After all, the forecast indicates that in 2021 networking would hit about 159.3 billion dollars. Therefore, it is safe to say that the global MLM industry is worth hundreds of billions of dollars collectively.