With the emerging trend of network marketing or multi-level networking marketing business, you can find a list of many companies. Selling products in the market through the recruitment of distributors is the best way to make profits with an investment of a low amount. The networking system refers to recruiting more people to sell the products. The earning in such a business model is based on the commission generated after the products are sold.
MLM and network business model includes basic steps such as lead generation, recruitment, and management of business across the network chain. MLM & Network Companies are using Multi level marketing software to carry on the flawless management of the business system.
It is needless to say that expected outputs depend on the strategic work methods across the business ecosystem. However, it is crucial to have the information about types of network marketing that will help you to decide concretely.
The acceptance of the network marketing business among people has given rise to the various MLM companies. You can find the name of several companies involved in the MLM & Networking business. Some of those you can find here:
Modicare: Based in India, Modicare sells products for wellness, home care, skincare along with personal care products. The company enables engaged members to increase their earnings by selling more products. It believes in the working strategy based on scaling up the business operation for better productivity.
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Modicare encourages the business through teamwork, quality products, and introducing innovations and creativity. Further, the company allows its members to share their concerns if any arise for smooth marketing. It helps their associates to brush up their potential for more productivity and keep growing with the network marketing strategies.
Tupperware: Founded in 1946, Tupperware has significantly created earning opportunities for people of different age groups. The company is selling homeware brands in different countries of the world including India.
Today, Tupperware has more than 3 million of salesforce to support the revenue generation activities. The basic products include kitchen equipment such as food storage, gift sets, and cooking and baking, and other kitchen appliances.
Oriflame: Serving as the direct selling company, it has grown its wide network in India over time. The product range consists of personal beauty supplements. The company is involved in manufacturing safe and high-quality products to allow the customer to become a part of the global beauty community.
Oriflame offers its member a discount of around 20% on products. Being a member of Oriflame, you can make money by selling products through networking. Apart from these, it also offers performance discounts to reward to motivate its associates.
Avon: It is serving as at the fifth position among the beauty company. Apart from this, it is well-known as the second-largest direct selling company. It is working in the Indian market for the last 20 years and holds a huge network of distributors across the country. It has a broad range of cosmetics and offers a discount to its member and commission on sales.
Vestige: With the recent entry into the multi-level marketing industry in India, Vestige has secured a safe place in the network marketing industry within a short time. It is a company that specializes in personal care and healthcare products. By taking the membership of vestige distributor, associates may easily earn around 10%-20% in the form of a performance bonus.
4Life: The Company is involved in manufacturing the products used for weight loss. It is a network marketing company that allows you to earn 33% profits by selling products the proper distribution of the product to the relevant customers enables origination to generate revenues as per the expected strategies.
DXN India: Malaysia-based Company DXN India is selling products that include food supplements, healthcare along personal care. It is significantly working in India and has acquired profitable distributors across the country within a short span.
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The high quality of products created by DXN India has made it popular among its customers. The company also offers the opportunity to earn bonuses as per the marketing performance.
MI Lifestyle Marketing Global Private Limited: Established in 2013, it is a Chennai-based company and become one of the most popular among other MLM companies. The company sells products approved by the ministry of Ayush that include lifestyle products, health, and other nutritional products.
RCM: It is serving as the direct-selling company and the products include a range of groceries, garments, and cosmetics. Being a member of the RCM, you can get the opportunity to make financial profits. Further, if the members recruited by you buy the products, you would be entitled to get up to 32% on bought products.
Amway India: With its global presence in more than 100 countries and territories, Amway India owns a recognizable position in India because of its superior quality of products. The company firmly believes in a reward and recognition system to motivate its members to sell more products.
It is serving as an inspirational source for other people to let them decide on entrepreneurship. The range of products includes FMCG, personal care, and healthcare products. Amway India allows its members to register as a direct retailer to help them earn through its compensation plan.
Herbalife India: Serving as the global nutrition company, Herbalife India has successfully established its business with a large number of networkers in India. It includes the high quality of the products to supplement the health and weight of the consumers.
The company aims at complementing the range of daily nutrition, maintaining overall health, and enabling the consumer to intake of complete nutrition required on an everyday basis. Herbalife India networking business encourages training programs to help people take the membership and start growing with their business. The company has around 4.5 million distributors and members across different countries.
Forever Living: Popularly known as the source of aloe-Vera based products, Forever Living manufactures the products to supplement the beauty and health of its consumer. Its products range comprises aloe-Vera-based drinks and derived cosmetics and dietary -supplements.
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With its growing networking business, the company has gained a network of 9.3 million distributors. The distributors make profits through sharing of margin gained by selling of products.
MLM & network marketing business is serving as a great source of income who are not professionally competent. Since the task of this business does not require any specific kind of qualification. This is why it is the hassle-free source of establishing own business with low investment. The process differs as per the policies of the specific MLM Company.