MMM Global Plan is one of the best mlm plans that take mutual help for the growth of the business. It is often referred as the HELP/DONATION MLM Plan.
MMM stands for Mavrodi Mondial Moneybox and is a variant of MLM Gift Plan that operates on two steps: Give Help and Take Help or Provide Help and Get Help. It is simple to integrate and even got appreciated a lot in MLM world.
Volochain MMM Global Plan Software helps distributors and sponsors to provide help and get help promptly to accomplish targets specified.
Volochain MMM Global Plan Software makes MMM plan simpler by aligning the requests making and approval of the same in place while identifying the sponsors and distributors who deserve the bonus for providing as well as taking help.
With our software, companies can customize the compensation plan according to the margins on different products.
The MMM Global plan generally offers six types of bonuses for the performing members including:
Sponsor bonus is for the members who manage to receive payment within the time specified by the admin of the “provide help” side. Volochain MMM software keeps this get help, provide help process streamlined without any confusion and calculates the bonus for the member based on the percentage marked by the companies.
Social Share Bonus is for the members for sharing their “Happiness Letter” in the form of text, picture, or audio cum video clip on the social media platforms. This comes with a priority too. Our software helps admin to set the bonus criteria and percentage to keep members motivated.
Guider Bonus is for the member who will be the Guider for another member who guides the next level member. The extension of this Guide and Member relationship is directly proportional to the bonus amount that guiders will receive. Volochain’s MMM software keep the members and guiders sorted for the fair evaluation of the bonus they deserve.
Every user’s first valuable contribution towards the plan makes him eligible for the register bonus. Volochain MLM Software helps you to maintain the user database quite efficiently.
The members who refer new members for the group or team are eligible to receive the referral bonus. More will be the number of referral links provided; more will be the amount of bonus earned. Our software is customizable for such bonuses with the percentage specified by the company.
Whenever bitcoin is used for the fund transfer, it makes the member eligible for the additional bonus. Our software is compatible for the different payment options without staking its security.
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We are leading MLM software providers offering a wide variety of software for network marketing processes. Our feature-packed software will help you manage the entire network-based business model efficiently and effectively.
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